Transcending the Transgender Drivel

Any suggestion that gender can be exchanged or re-formulated breaches the limits of sanity.

Everyone in his right mind knows this. As a logical, moral people, we know we shouldn’t even be having conversations about something so preposterous. The real issue, then, is that not everyone is in his right mind.

[How do people become callused to God’s truth? see: Rom. 1:18-32]

Fortunately, this isn’t just my opinion. Gender is actually a Biblical concept. That means God first created sexual distinction and then He defined the differences. These differences didn’t emerge randomly or evolve over a period of time.

For this reason, gender cannot be correctly understood or applied outside of a Scriptural context. In the International Council on Gender Studies’ publication, Five Aspects of Man, the groundwork upon which transgenderism is built can be described from a Biblical perspective:

It is “…the direct result of feminism and homosexuality built on the foundational sins of idolatry and autonomy.”

If a man doesn’t understand why God created him, then he’s going to build his life around something other than Him by creating idols for himself. The result is that everything and everyone connected to his Biblically mandated authority and guardianship begins to fall apart.

Because a wife and children are responders, they learn to reject the husband’s/father’s authority in the same way that he rejects God’s authority. And so begins the cycle of delusion and depravity—a generational devaluation of the created order which was originally proclaimed to be “good.”

And while autonomy isn’t always a bad dog, the context here suggests an attitude completely free from external control or influence—something clearly incompatible with being a disciple of Jesus Christ. The result is that autonomous behavior simply becomes a warm-up act, setting the stage for just about any form of decadence to perform.

Sexual deviance is now a rockstar singing its final song. With razor edges, it’s shredding the remaining remnant of a great moral fabric under which free people once shrouded themselves.

How long will we allow the show to go on?

It’s a real heart-breaker.

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3 Comments on “Transcending the Transgender Drivel

  1. What you’re trying to say is good, but actually you’ve made a near-fatal mistake right at the outset.

    You’re recognizing “gender” as a noun or adjective. It is not. Biblically, it is only a verb, meaning “to procreate.” (Lev. 19:19 KJV.) It is also listed as only a verb in my 10-pound 1951 edition of Webster’s 20th Century Unabridged Dictionary. [That’s within my lifetime.]

    Where did people start using “gender” as a noun? I believe that in foreign language classes when I was in high school/college (1960s/70s), some teachers referred to nouns and adjectives as being masculine, feminine or neuter GENDER, altho the textbooks themselves — those I still have, at least — did not use that term. The books simply said “masculine” or “feminine,” and let it go at that.

    So, the original coining of “gender” as a noun may not have been politically motivated. But it shortly became exactly that, when it started to be applied to living things. By a slow process, school and job applications in the 1970s started asking for “gender” rather than “sex.” If you say that a living creature has “gender,” there are only two possible meanings to that. One, the term is synonymous with biological sex, and therefore is redundant. Two, it refers to some kind of masculinity or femininity that’s SEPARATE from biological sex. If that’s an invalid concept (which it is), then the term itself is also invalid, and no one should be using it.

    Things have gone so full circle now that there are public speakers who claim “There is no such thing as biological sex, there is only gender.”

    In Back to the Future II, in order to undo the damage that created the alternate 1985, Marty and Doc had to find out where the timeline diverged, where young Biff got the almanac, and then go back and fix it.

    The same thing is true here. The only way to fully root out this false concept is to stop recognizing “gender” as a noun. Proclaim clearly that the ONLY kind of masculinity or femininity that exists is based squarely on biological sex, and no one gets to “choose” biological sex. Anything short of that, and the Hydra will just keep raising its ugly heads in one form or another endlessly.

    • You make a great point Doug! While I’d stop short of labeling it fatal, I’m inclined to agree with your calling for a distinction between the the two terms. My Mac’s dictionary even describes the historical usage of the word “gender” in a similar way: “The word gender has been used since the 14th century as a grammatical term, referring to classes of nouns designated as masculine, feminine, or neuter in some languages. The sense denoting biological sex has also been used since the 14th century, but this did not become common until the mid 20th century. Although the words gender and sex are often used interchangeably, they have different connotations; sex tends to refer to biological differences, while gender more often refers to cultural and social differences and sometimes encompasses a broader range of identities than the binary of male and female.” I’m not, however, understanding how gender can be applied grammatically to text in any form other than a noun. Nor do I see any use of a Greek noun referring to gender in Lev. 19:19 in the Septuagint–or in Hebrew or even English for that matter! But the fact that “sex” and “gender” have evolved into interchangeable terms has no doubt exacerbated the truth concerning sexual distinction. Thanks! 🙂

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