Who Rules You?

A king’s authority is always granted by his subjects.

That’s because we’ve always chosen who we want to rule over us—whether directly or indirectly. Some would suggest choice isn’t always an option, that tyrants seize power by force. Of course they do. But history also confirms that a peoples’ sovereignty is ultimately surrendered by its own consent.

The Scriptures illustrate how that happens.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob established a perfect form of monarchial rule after He led His people out of Egypt. While in Egypt, they were only a people because they had no land. When He gave them land in Canaan, they became a nation and a sovereign people.

Then, as a nation, He gave them His laws. As sovereigns, they had the authority to make choices.

And they made some bad ones.

Because God wanted them to live under His jurisdiction as King even though He gave them the authority to rule themselves. But they wouldn’t have it. They wanted that authority to come from one of their own. The texts of the Old Testament reveal just how well that worked out for them. Some of their kings ruled justly at times, others, not so much.

But what He allowed to happen over the centuries to follow was no Plan B.

Because He came to live among those whom He chose to be His people, providing them with yet another opportunity to decide for themselves who could actually handle the job.

But even to this day, some who claim to have submitted to the jurisdiction of Jesus Christ the King are willing to place His jurisdiction under those created by men. Perhaps they’d do well to remember that, whoever’s authority they ultimately surrender their sovereignty to, then they’re likely to be judged by his actions rather than their own! [see: 1Sam. 8; 2Chr. 28:19]

Today, many who profess to be part of Christ’s ἐκκλησία [assembly] assume authority in His name, but have, in fact, submitted to the jurisdiction of the State. Perhaps they seek a 501(c)(3) tax status for their congregation. Or maybe they’re willing to comply with some ridiculous public health care mandate every time it’s dispensed.

But Jesus Himself said that no one can serve two masters—or jurisdictions. [Matt. 6:24; Lk. 16:13]

My decision to live exclusively under Christ’s authority in this age confirms His redemptive assurance that my identity won’t be questioned when I sit on His judgement seat—only my works.

But I might wanna’ keep an eye on who I vote for.

Because if I’ve placed myself under the jurisdiction of the State exclusively, it would seem that I’m still under a curse! [see: Gal. 3:1-14]

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